Taking Community Along - Access Benefit and Sharing

Taking Community Along - Access Benefit and Sharing

At Forestry™, we are always consious of our social responsibilities, value system and socio-ethical conduct. We uphold the principle of 'Access Benefit and Sharing' and for that we have taken extra steps to ensure that the communities living near forests & engaged in raw material procurement get their share of benefit. 

Majority of our ingredients are procured from the purest places inside and near the forests of India. To achieve quality procurement, primary filtering and storage, we take help of the local communities who have been living near the forests for centuries.
They are well versed with the local vegetation, topography and climate. They are also reservoirs of ancient knowledge about the benefits of many herbs, shrubs, trees found there. This knowledge is not necessarily book based 
or codified , it is practical and experience based fine tuned over many generations. For this reason, they have always strived to protect and conserve these natural havens. The local communities are not only the immediate beneficiaries of these forests but also their real protectors and saviours. 
We have tried our best to help as much as possible in their effort to protect and conserve the natural resources. From developing relationships with the local Joint Forest Management Committees, collaborating with the Self-Help Groups to give training on collection, primary filtering and storage, we have tried to ensure that along with developing skills they have a source of livelihood from the forest.

To uphold the principle of 'Access Benefit Sharing' under the UN Convention on Biological Diversity, we have decided to share 2% of our net profit annually with the local Biodiversity Management Committees (BMC) from our area of raw material collection.

So next time you use a Forestry™ product, you can be assured that we are giving back to the communities which have made this possible and also take pride in being a part of this Business-Social movement.


Team Forestry™

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